Some snaps from volunteering in Shamwari Game Reserve.

I’ve finally sat down and gone through all the pictures I’ve taken in the last six months of travelling.  Some are bad.  Like really bad.  On the level of “what in seven hells is that thing, I don’t know if it’s a museum exhibit or some faecal matter”.  Thankfully there are some visual delights conveying the character, majesty and spirit of the places I’ve had the pleasure of experiencing.

So like any good story, I’ll start at the beginning of my travels in the country that seemingly has the whole world inside it body and soul.  South Africa.

My journey started with volunteering in a game reserve.  Please go check out my older posts below to read about my experiences in Shamwari Game Reserve as I tried to convey the glorious hearty work I was involved in and the unreal scenes that I was beholden to.  It was a life-changing experience seeing preservation efforts and learning so much about animal life and the natural world from the super staff that worked there.  Once you are done with reading the posts My First Week As A Game Reserve Volunteer At Shamwari. & A Night (Drive) Like No Other – A Night Drive Through Shamwari Game Reserve I guarantee you will want to book a flight to South Africa after selling your soul to pay for it.

*Please plug in a cassette player and put in the A side of the tape for the Lion King soundtrack*

A rescued lion in the Born Free Foundation. Standing proud and powerful.
This photograph reminds me that seeing magnificent things on a screen is nothing like seeing them with your own (four) eyes. This rhino, with its humongous horn was a gargantuan mass of muscle and brawn. After learning much on the dismal state of rhino poaching it seemed a poignantly powerful creature. One I can’t imagine not existing in the world. 
I spotted a Rock Monitor pulling the old “Hey Instagram, look at my bum cheeks in this dress that’s too small for me” pose.
A magic moment that’ll stay in my heart forever. Bath time for this family of elephants.
Have you ever seen a Giraffe do push-ups? You’re welcome.


Survived a nuclear explosion whilst at Shamwari because I learnt survival skills. (Totally just an epic sunset)


Beautiful if I do say so myself.
This is where the idea for those weird optical illusions came from. How many Zebra?
I saw a strange elephant that had a gammy fifth leg….oh wait! WHAT!


“IS IT A BIRD!?” “Yes. Yes it is.” “Way to ruin the joke douche.”
One of the playful rescued cheetah in the Born Free Foundation.
Diversity. Because animals should instinctively get along. *gets mauled by honey badger*
In the jungle(bush) the mighty jungle (bush) the lion creeps tonight.
A standard game drive view.
My favourite road sign.
I love the contrast between the buttery flora and the sandy Kudu.
Professor Ellie Phaunt giving a practical lesson on gravity.
Better than the evening news. FACT.
A super close-up of one of the many majestic and intelligent elephants.


So there are just a few of my favourite and funniest snaps from Shamwari Game Reserve.  I was however only there for two weeks so the rest of the time I spent in South Africa was travelling the Garden Route.  Check out my musings on the diverse and delicious Garden Route and see some more fun snaps I took from  A Week Travelling the Garden Route

*Switch cassette tape to B side for a repeat listening of Toto’s Africa*