Freedom; And Why You Aren’t As Free As You Could Be.

I felt like Travis Bickle or Rorschach, someone who can see the true underbelly of society and the ugliness in people. As I said I was hateful and bordering depressed – but not wrong.

Freedom; and why you aren’t as free as you could be.  


Now right off the bat I want people to know I’m not trying to tackle slavery, delve into the persecution of native peoples by colonialists or stir up Mel Gibson’s movie career. I’m not qualified or knowledgeable enough to speak of those things and would do a disservice to any and all who have ever had their freedom stolen.  Nonetheless I want to talk about what freedom is to me.   About being free to do whatever you dream of.  And pursuing it passionately.  

I’m a book worm.  I’m actually going to start doing book reviews here on my blog as there’s no feeling like finishing a great book.  Sometimes you can feel you feel uplifted, joyous infact on other times the ending can leave you in tatters, destroyed and broken to the point where even Coldplay can’t fix you.  A book that has left me in the latter during my travels is A Diary Of A Young Girl.  One of the most important pieces of writing of the 20th century I believe.  For it was able to show all who read that we take freedom for granted.  Our day-to-day lives in which we skip about carelessly and in our perpetual quest for more material, it can be taken away.  By Nazism, by fascism, by war and by ignorance.  One of the most endearing parts of the book that has stuck with me like glue, is Anne’s desire to one day be a published writer, to be read and understood globally.  Obviously that happened but in such a way that brings about deep melancholy and heartbreak.  However, feisty, unbreakable Anne continued to write, continued to do what she loved and wrote because that was her passion.  The Nazi’s took away so much, sucked this (and millions more) young girl into a vacuum of despair and hopelessness and yet she hoped.  Anne was imprisoned in most ways but still free in a few.  That there is what I want to write about.

Before I left for travelling I felt unhappy, desperate and angry.  I hated what I was a part of, a suit for a company, a rat in amongst the race, a faceless man in a crowd of faceless people.  I knew I had to change it, to get away from the lack of culture, the materialistic society and corrupt government.  My soul needed more because like my body needs food for fuel, I believe the soul needs sustenance in equal measure (and back to reading) so to does the brain.  We as complex human beings need fulfilment in all ways.  Our brain needs to be stimulated and oiled by books and meaningful interaction.  Our bodies need to be worked fitfully and vigorously to let our muscles know that we may need them at any time.  Our spirit needs a patronus incase of lurking Dementors – or in other words it needs fulfilment, happiness, hope to battle the darkness that comes into our lives.  

When I was trapped back home (Swansea, Wales) and was still six months from setting off indefinitely, I started to become hateful.  I could see the vast majority of people stuck in the mud, caught up so tragically in their own lives that no other mattered.  Materialistic desires were at the forefront of many people’s minds.  I’m a twenty four year old man and I felt as if the majority of my generation of people were total wastes of space.  If they hadn’t done it or weren’t doing it then it was wrong or not worth a go.  Their shallow, meaningless lives had to account to something but seemingly they didn’t.  Obiously not all as I do have friends, but some people in Britain just enjoy pissing all over people’s parade because it doesn’t coincide with their beliefs.  People can’t be happy for one another, revels in other’s victories because they see that as their defeat, somehow.    I felt like Travis Bickle or Rorschach, someone who can see the true underbelly of society and the ugliness in people. As I said I was hateful and bordering depressed – but not wrong.   


Since travelling however I have met many people of my generation so to to speak, that share in my desire for wander on my nomadic quest and go their own way(GO YOUR OWNN WAYYYY).  Some have been fellow travellers, immediately we held a sparked conversation about where we’ve been, where we’re going and what has helped us grow in between.  Some have been denizens of the country, city, island I’ve been visiting and have been so interested in my journey or my life and where I’m from that I’m left feeling equal measures of hope and despair.  Hopeful that one day they can see more of the outward world, that my journey may inspire them even in the smallest degree, that our bond will be remembered.  But then I’m left somewhat in despair to think how selection of people in the western world, people I know, people I don’t know, people on social media, the media itself, politicians – the list goes on – would have immediately dismissed this chap or chapette based on the colour of their skin, their clothing, their lifestyle, their language, even their demeanour whether it laid back or emotionally wide open.  I frustrate myself in thinking why can’t people break the chains of prejudice and ignorance and try to learn and understand more of the outward world because at the end of the day we all look to the same stars.  


Six months into travelling I have taken a more laid back approach myself and accepted that seven billion people aren’t going to want or crave the same thing – although a scary amount want that walking ballbag of a human being Donald Trump to be president of the United States and in turn take away much of the freedom they proclaim to have for all.  I’m not going to get into that though as I think I’d test the limit of WordPress’ word count and toleration of profanity.  We all make our choices but I think some feel they have to live the rest of their lives by them.  More oft than not I see that ignorant people somehow seem to think ‘Change’ is a dirty word.  As if a person isn’t allowed to change in anyway morally, ethically, spiritually, mentally after the age of sixteen.  As if there is some degree of pretentiousness with wanting to change.  They feel as though they are in knowledge of a joke that anyone who they deem has ‘Changed’ is not fit to know the punchline.  Obviously the joke is on them because my frustration would often stem from knowing that people can live better lives. I feel as if I have stumbled upon a secret potion  that will invigorate and inspire but folk simply won’t listen.  To enact change however their has to be awareness of what currently is and what can be.  A self-awareness, questioning one’s position amongst the stars, on the planet, in the job one holds but hates etc.  Whilst people moan and whine about lifes little things I believe they are not aware that they are the ones, perhaps the only ones, with the power to change it.  If you have a job, have a car, have a home, have a smartphone, I’m going to take a guess that you have freedom.  Regardless of what you may think about the corrupt institutions that your country bathes in, you still have a massive degree of freedom to make a change for the better and more so for yourself.  

Not that everyone wants to explore all the world has to offer, travel indefinitely, carry their life in a rucksack, live in a campervan. Although I do believe that if people took themselves away from their normalities, regardless of how much they enjoy or dislike them, then horizons broaden, the mind grows, the soul speaks and their comfort zone is a little bigger.  If awareness can enact change then it would do some people good to pluck up a bit of courage and take a leap into the unknown because I guarantee it will set any on a path that is, at least slightly different from their old one.  Whilst on that new path, with a new perspective, it is easy to see what you may want to change, what you may want now to do or to try.

It seems en masse, people only think deeply about freedom when it is threatened.  That is counterproductive to what freedom is.  It is the ultimate state of human consciousness.  To only chase it when it’s threatened is futile if you didn’t use it in the first place.    

Now think of all those adverts that objectify men, women, children, that have you chasing something you already have or eyeing up something you know you don’t need but are justifying its purchase anyway.  Take that voice-over guy who speaks of The Best A Man Can Get or how Worth It you could be if you buy their product.  Now imagine he had integrity and morals and self worth.  

“Do you hate your job, feel pressured by idiotic societal norms or just long for something different?

Then you should try Freedom. Odds are that if you are watching this on your 50 inch LED TV you already have it laying around.  You just need to use it.

Search vigorously for that job you’ve always desired.

Take up the acting course at college that you felt wasn’t feasible  for ‘Real Life’.

Chop down all those idiots at the train station with a fire axe like Patrick Bateman from American Psycho*  

Take a trip to that city you’ve only seen on the magazines but long to visit.

What!? You don’t have time? Make some. Stop spending three hours a day on Facebook and watching the soaps and use your time efficiently. We all have the same amount of it.

Money you say!? Then stop spending it on takeaway food and binge drinking on the weekend and you’ll be uttering ‘When In Rome’ in ROME before you know it.  


Freedom. It’s yours. Use it.”


*The charming voice-over guy does not condone, promote or propose axe murdering of any kind.  He merely said it for dramatic effect.  Seriously. Put the axe down. You’re not Gimli.  

Yes I know my view on freedom is idealistic.  On packing up and leaving.  On making a great change. On doing something new.  It is all scary, it makes you question yourself and your choices on times.  I mean I was scared out of my wits before I left home.  Even though I knew it was what I wanted, at the time I left I was in tears and interrogating myself internally with Batman voice “WHY ARE YOU LEAVING!?”  On the other side however I sit here writing this on a bench in a magical national park, surrounded by  colourful birds and  green trees and pithy little flies that like my natural pheromones, listening to the ocean’s melody and I could not be more content with my choices in life that have led me to this moment.  That my friends is true happiness.  Being alone, in your darkest hours, and knowing you are doing right by yourself.  Your happiness is because of your actions, you are living just how you want to and no pressures or outside forces can change that.  *Gets washed away by freak tsunami*

So there it is.  Freedom is to go about as you want, please yourself (not like that), to remain unbowed in the face of societal expectation and what is the norm.  To be true to yourself, and learn from others.  To use your time wisely, smiling and laughing and learning.  There is a reason that in all the films featuring an oppressed people, the oppressed rise up against oppressors and that is because freedom is worth everything. It is the staple of a prosperous and healthy society.  Sometimes though you can just forget its meaning.

freedom n 1 being free. 2 exemption or immunity, e.g. freedom from hunger. 4 right or privilege to unlimited access e.g. the freedom of the city.  5. A great way to finish an article that relies upon Mel Gibson’s faux-scottish accent.


After writing this article I went for a hike as I’m in the spectacular Wilson’s Prom and I’d be foolish not to, even after the 20km adventure yesterday.  The scenery is as varied as a fruit bowl. Up on a sand dune I discovered this little guy. Living life, the way he wants to, in spite of his environment.